
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Wow what a way to begin 2011!

Our dog, Leo, who is a long haired miniature dachshund had to be taken into the emergency vet on Sunday. He was having difficulties in walking and looked as if he was in pain. Well he was as we found out that he had a herniated disc. We tried the conservative approach, the whole crating and wait and see, well that wasn't going so well. You see Leo is a very active and loving dog. He wants to be with his humans. He loves to lay on the couch with us and watch tv, especially the Dog Whisperer. So we know from Cesar that dogs need exercise, discipline and that order. We have had difficulties with walking Leo as he hates the cold. Being a senior dog, I can understand, as I am not fond of the cold like I was as a kid.

Leo-January 5, 2011 (just before being taken in for the surgery.
So Leo ended up having surgery yesterday and did very well. So well he is coming home today! I have been told they don't usually release them the next day so this is good. He will still need to be crated so he doesn't aggravate the surgery site, bust still he will do better. I will keep everyone posted.

On the knitting/crochet front:

Ia m almost done the 2nd stocking that I had to knit to replace the stocking that got lost lost in the mail. The other one was a plain knit stocking with candy canes all over it.  This one is one from Jean Greenhowe. The books is called Christmas Special. I love Jean's designs as they are very easy but chock full of detail. The stocking is the Called Santa Stocking.

Jean's Christmas Stocking (Santa is third form the left)
Here a couple of pictures of the almost completed stocking. I just need to stitch on the moon and stitch the stocking together. I also need to knit up Santa's bag that I forgot.

I have also bee crocheting loads more amigurumi's. I have found some of the cutest ones on the interwebs...

1) Set of 3 Heroes from seaandlighthouse 

Contains patterns for all three characters.  If you want Superman or Batman you can purchase them individually. Unfortunately it appears as if Spiderman is not a separate pattern.

Check out her other designs they are way to cute!

Superman, Spiderman and Batman
2) Blueberry Treasure (aka Sue Pendleton)
Sue has some of the most amazing designs out there! They are fantastic and feature many small details:

Here are but just a few of my favorites!

Santa and Mrs. Claus in Miniature
I remember my sister sewing me a Raggedy Ann and Andy (which were unfortunately destroyed by an ex of mine but that is another story). They were my favorite dolls, well Sue has some wonder full designs that remind me of these dolls. She calls them Emma And Jackson. Emma also has her own doll Lizzie, while Jackson has Chester. Emma also has Halloween Costumes.

Sue Pendleton Designs on Etsy and on Ravelry
There are some wonderful designers out there.  Check them out.


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Cora Shaw (formerly Levesque)