
Sunday, January 2, 2011

January is Stalking Awareness Month

Stalking is a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear. Visit for more information.

January is Stalking Awareness Month, if you know that fear of the phone ringing (could be that annoying guy/gal again), the unmistakable feeling of being watched or followed. The same individual joins the same forums, social networking sites (Facebook, twitter, or your blog-this is known as cyber stalking. They can run the gambit of being just annoying (nuisance calls) to feeling threatened.

Whatever the feeling remember to know it, name it, then stop it!

Stalking Awareness Month
Keep a written record of all incidents, a call of of all phone calls. If you are being cyber stalked screen shot everything, keep all emails-as both the original, in print form with headers visible, and as a screen shot. Most email programs have the ability to show the headers, if you are unsure contact your email provider. On you blog makes sure comments are set to moderate this way you get all header information.

Make sure you report everything to your local police station. Keep the case number hand for all subsequent phone calls to the police. Make sure there is a paper trail!


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If you have any questions or concerns please direct them to craftygal1965{at} Any other comments please leave here. Please no external links, thank you.

Thank you

Cora Shaw (formerly Levesque)