
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

So I came across this picture on FB...

Single mom asks public for support after dog bites alleged home intruder

(article is attached below should the link no longer work)
It kinda got me wondering what the? So I Clicked on the picture and this article popped up!

So this threw me for a loop as after the home invasion we were "strongly advised" to get a dog, now granted we have 3 small dogs, but I know for a fact that Leo has a strong bite. I was bitten by him just after we first adopted him. I know he would protect us and the house fi provoked.

I still wonder about this strange occurrence when we were out of the house for the day in March.
I had gone to Abbotsfield Library for my shift for the Make Tax Time Pay Program the E4C runs every year. My shift ran from 10-4 and then I was off working Brian Mason's election campaign right afterwards doing canvassing and phone canvassing. The Hubby works all day, runs home to walk the dogs, then was out doing signs. 
Front Porch with gate
Front gate on Fence
Since Hubby works on the south Side, he takes the bus pretty much everyday, rather than the truck. So he did that on this day. He arrived at his usual time, only to find Leo on the porch, with the porch gate open, and the front gate open.
So I got a text from hubby asking if I had let the dogs out, which had me panicked as I know I had left them inside, after all it was a very cold and blustery day. Leo being a senior dog doesn't like the cold. Also having IVDD doesn't help as he has calcification in his joints. Scrappy still like to escape so I make sure they are safe and sound INSIDE when I leave the house.
So the upside was that both dogs were okay. Leo sat outside for several hours waiting for one of us to come home. Scrappy was inside the whole time. Now the one thing you can't is that we have a screen door in front of the door. The original porch was fully enclosed but i wanted something I could enjoy during the spring, summer and early fall. So the inside door
So the only way Leo got out was someone came to our door and opened our screen door, presumably to knock on it. They must have been startled although it takes Leo a minute or two to get through that dog door. Then they left the porch gate wide open along with the fence gate. we know this was done sometime in the afternoon because I spoke to our mail lady and she hadn't seen Leo loose.
So back to this story of Duke. Duke was doing the same thing Protecting His Home!  So why should he have to suffer the consequences because some was stupid enough to break in! Please support Duke in the following ways:


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Cora Shaw (formerly Levesque)