
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Wow with the election here in Alberta, I have been to busy to be on Facebook much, so I came across this story...

from National Dog News Examiner on Facebook.
Heineken addresses allegations that they promote dog-fighting
I actually hadn't seen the picture, but I am so happy that Heineken addressed it right away.

Picture that went viral on Facebook
Here is what they had to say...

Heineken has stated that the photo is "distressing and totally unacceptable",
 As a company and a brand owner, we do not and would never knowingly support any event, outlet or individual involved in this type of activity. It is against our company and brand rules and - more important - against our company values.
Heineken has stated that the following actions were immediately taken in response:

Removed all remaining promotional materials from the venueWithdrawn all current product stock from the clubCeased our relationship, ensuring our brands will not be available in the club again
  • Instructed our distributor to check every location where our brands can be enjoyed to ensure such illegal activities are not taking place. If there is any suggestion that they are, we will take the same action and remove our products
  • Continue to ensure our strict advertising and promotion guidelines are enforced both to the letter and the spirit of their intent

Continue reading on Heineken addresses allegations that they promote dog-fighting - National Dogs |

Kudos to Heineken for dealing with this right away! If you can please support them and thank them for their prompt action on this issue. ( there is an email listed where you can send an email thanking them.


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Cora Shaw (formerly Levesque)