
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I wasn't going to weigh in on the latest controversial postings however, I decided I needed too. in

When I was at Brian Mason's campaign office (everyone knows I am NDP and haven't made any bones about it making calls. Most of what I talked about was AB Health care issues and electricity prices. This seems to be the biggest issues in the campaign along with the outrageous rental prices in our area. So I was taking a break and decided to quickly check twitter. It had blown up of some rather outrageous and hateful comments towards a segment of our society yet again...namely the LGTBQ community.

Given that the person who made the comments, on his blog June of last year it actually wouldn't have been noticed except that he decided to run for public office for the Wildrose party. When you decide to run for public office be prepared to be scrutinized for things written in past, they will come back to haunt assured.

I am not surprised about the comments written given that Allan Hunsperger, given that a pastor with The House church in nearby Tofield.
Hunsperger used Lady Gaga's song Born this Way to preface his point that gay people can choose “to not live the way they were born.” He went on to write, “You can live the way you were born, and if you die the way you were born, then you will suffer the rest of eternity in the lake of fire, hell, a place of eternal suffering."
I was tired after doing the phoning and getting together with a friend and then walking home, so I decided to find the post in the morning... unfortunately it was removed from the blog. (Link to the blog: The House Church is an evangelical, fundamentalist church, often seen as intolerant and that their way is the only way. On twitter, Chris LaBossiere , posted this screen shot allong with these comments....(Sorry, this is the best I can do for the

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Sad to see that  candidate Hunsperger took down his blog. Thankfully I saved a picture of it here. # 
I am "Born This Way" and have struggled my whole life with fitting in. I am not gay or straight. I am a mother, wife, grandmother, sister, daughter and granddaughter; also have numerous friends and acquaintances, who happens to be bisexual. I don't define who I am by my sexual orientation, but by my integrity as a woman and a person. I am used to the vitriol  that comes out of homophobic mouths....quite sad really.

Why is it so hard to be accepting of the way people are born? I am happier now that I am following my heart. I have the love and support of an understanding husband...yeah! So glad of rthe support I ahve of family and friends.

Remember that the I have the write to say what I want on the way I conduct my life accordingly. If you don't like it move along...I don't need you anyways.

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Cora Shaw (formerly Levesque)