
Sunday, April 29, 2012

I saw a post on Facebook...the link was to a Dog Examiner article on

dog rescue and why do we do it? why do we put our heart and soul into rescue? Why do we post on Facebook or tweet about this one animal? I know why I do it...I do it for the animal. The animal who may lose their life because of abuse or neglect. The one that is euthanized because of age or behavior concerns.

I just have to look at my own life to know how it feels to be moved around, lost in the shuffle so to speak. When I was adopted at an older age, I came with baggage, loads of it in fact. When I talk about my life story I often talk about feeling the need to be absolutely perfect so that I wouldn't be sent back to the group home. I acted out in ways I can't even begin to fathom but I am here.

Am I better than that dog who needs the same love, guidance and patience? Don't they need a second chance, like me?

Here is just a snippet of the article...
We all know one.  Maybe we know a few.  What I am talking about is those crazy animal advocates that clog up our Facebook news feeds with constant depressing "This animal is going to die." or "Our group needs donations.".  The photos and stories these "animal crazies" post are mostly depressing and they make your heart ache and your eyes get weepy.  Typically, the statuses can ruin your day and after a while, you tend to block their comments from showing on your news feed and you begin to ignore them, maybe even deleting them as a friend altogether.  But at what costs?
Read the rest here: The Truth Behind Networking Homeless Animals

There was a really cool poem attached at the end of the article...I decided to make a picture of it with my two rescues, Leo and Scrappy.


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Cora Shaw (formerly Levesque)