
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

This is about "The Avenue" here...

118 ave (aka Alberta Ave/The Avenue) is an avenue in Central Edmonton that has faced so much since its decline in the 1970's when the Yellowhead was built. when you turned on the news it was about the seedy side of the community: the crime, the drugs the prostitution.

Well this Ave, which is currently under revitalization, is surrounded by 5 communities: Westwood, Spruce Avenue, Alberta Ave, Delton, Eastwood and Parkdale/Cromdale. The news media actually didn't even talk about the communities it was all about the crime.

This is the trailer for a movie that documents One Year in the revitalization period of the Avenue. I am proud to be a part of this. The movie is scheduled to be released May 2012.

'The Avenue' Documentary Trailer


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Cora Shaw (formerly Levesque)