
Monday, December 26, 2011

Missing Dog named Trigger

Trigger, a miniature Australian Shepherd (10-lbs!) went missing on Monday November 21st from his pet-sitters home in Cascade Locks, Oregon. He is still missing. We have had confirmed sightings and we believe he is still traveling with a transient man through Cascade Locks - Hood River - The Dalles... and as recently as December 18th, there have been sightings in Hermiston and La Grande, Oregon. He tends to panhandle at Wal-Mart stores or other touristy type locations. Please help us by cross-posting, keeping your eye open for him, your positive thoughts and fingers crossed. With your help, we WILL find him and bring him home, no matter how long it takes!

Facebook: Find Trigger

Hi everyone,

Unfortunately, our Saturday trip to Hood River and The Dalles did not reveal any information regarding the whereabouts of the homeless man with Trigger. One of the two people who thought they’d seen them in the Port of Hood River determined from the flyer that it was not the same dog. His tiny size still seems to confuse people. We also followed another lead in Cascade Locks that turned out to be a different dog. We did hang a lot more flyers, and we gave away several bags of dog food and some dog jackets. Thank you to Lynda, Jan, Jaye, Sarah, Ande, Sophia, Shelli, Helen and Travis for coming out to The Gorge on a very cold day.

We will NOT give up on Trigger! We need to find him and bring him home. So now we are planning a new approach. Since he seems to have vanished shortly after he was seen in Cascade Locks, the man who was seen with Trigger on November 25th may have been a transient who was passing through Cascade Locks. He may have been hitchhiking in any direction. He may even be in Portland! We have decided to try to get the word out to other cities and states. With his owner’s permission, we have increased the reward amount to $1000. We are trying to contact the big truck stop companies to see if they will help us post our newest flyer for Trigger at their various truck stops all over the country. Hopefully, if a truck driver gave him a ride somewhere, they’ll see the flyer. Of course we will be focusing first on the rest of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, California, Arizona and Nevada. We are also trying to crack the Craigslist nut so it will allow us to post our Lost and Found ad in other cities and states. This may require multiple people posting the ad in other cities from their computers. We’ll need your help with that.

Remember, as daunting as it may seem trying to find this man with Trigger, there are not going to be very many homeless or transient people out there with a tiny, shy 10lb Toy Australian Shepherd with one blue eye, one brown eye, and no tail. If you see someone matching this description it is almost guaranteed to be him!

What you can do to help:
  • If you know anyone who drives long haul trucks or travels for work, please email them the attached flyer and ask them to keep their eyes open.
  • If you pass any Rest Areas during your travels, please post a flyer.
  • Please post this flyer on your Facebook pages and ask your friends and family to spread it around to everyone they know, including out of state. The more eyes we have out there looking, the better.
  • Please drop a copy of the flyer off at your vet’s office.
  • If you drive past or volunteer at a homeless shelter, please bring a flyer in.
  • If you are near an “Occupy” camp, please scan for this man and Trigger.
  • If you volunteer or work at an animal shelter, please post this flyer.
  • If you can get an ad in any publication please contact me for a copy of the text and photos for the ad.
  • If you have any other ideas for getting this flyer distributed as widely as possible, please share them. Anything you can offer is very much appreciated!
  • Note: If you are posting the flyer outdoors, please try to put it in a plastic sleeve so it lasts longer during our wet Oregon winter.
Please keep reminding everyone! Most important; if you see this man and Trigger, please do not let him out of your sight! Contact law enforcement and let them know you know who this dog is. Tell them he is missing from Hood River County, Oregon and he is microchipped to Indigo Rescue to prove it.

I won’t be sending any further updates on Trigger unless we have something noteworthy to report.

THANK YOU for your continued help and support, and a warm and Happy Holiday to all of you!

Heather Hines
Indigo Rescue
Indigo Ranch
Dig My Dog
never never never give up

From Facebook:

Thank you for all of your concern for Trigger. His mom, Jennifer and I, continue to follow-up on every lead we get and it’s been a frustrating and difficult ride. On Tuesday we heard from someone who thought he may have seen Trigger get hit by a truck in Cascade Locks and then run on to I84 westbound and disappear off the highway two exits down. We were devastated at the possibility and Jennifer was searching that stretch of highway trying to determine whether it really was him when on Wednesday we got an even more solid lead from someone we now believe DEFINITELY saw Trigger on Black Friday (November 25th). This would have been four days after he went missing from the pet sitters home. He was with a homeless man who said he needed money for food for his “new” dog. The woman and her husband gave him dog food she had in her car instead. Her sister has two Toy Aussies so she knows the breed and size well. She confirmed the dog had one blue eye and one brown eye and was very afraid and hiding behind the man. She said the man had him on a rope leash which may have been fashioned into a harness. He was no longer wearing his collar or id tags. The woman was able to give us a very good description of the man, and I spent much of yesterday and today speaking with law enforcement officers in Hood River County, The Dalles, Skamania County and Klickitat County just in case he was traveling North or East. It’s not as likely but he may also have traveled West into Portland. He was on foot moving East through Cascade Locks when he left the woman and her husband.

The description we have is that the man is in his early to mid forties. He has blondish brown hair and is clean cut. He was wearing a green military style coat over jeans and a sweatshirt and wore a stocking cap under a baseball cap that may have been a SeaHawks cap. He is carrying a day pack (an old school style).

I have produced a new flyer with a photo of Trigger that shows his size much better. We will start emailing and distributing that tomorrow. Please keep your eye out for a homeless man with Trigger wherever you go. It’s a long shot, but worth the minute it will take to notice. You can be extra eyes for us and if you know anyone along the way East on I84, in Hood River, The Dalles, Pendleton, or across the river in Skamania County, Goldendale, etc. Please send them the flyer and ask them to share it with everyone they know.

On Saturday, our friends from the Sons of Armageddon are going to go up to Cascade Locks and the surrounding area to try to find any homeless camps. The one homeless man who hang out in town has a Boxer and told us he would keep his eye out for someone with Trigger.

This homeless man is somewhere and he very possibly still has Trigger! We have hope again, and we need to find him.

Thank you all so much!!!

If anyone has seen the dog or the homeless man, contact police and let them know.

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If you have any questions or concerns please direct them to craftygal1965{at} Any other comments please leave here. Please no external links, thank you.

Thank you

Cora Shaw (formerly Levesque)