
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Hoping to adopt a companion dog for Leo

So Leo is not adjusting well to the fact that I am working full-time, he has separation anxiety. We have been working on who is boss in the house. I spoke to Nicole (the lady who started PAWS for Life, where we got Leo) and she says we need to crate him when we are gone. I agree...Leo does not, neither does hubby for that matter.

Anywhoo a friend suggested we get Leo a companion to help him as it would give him someone to play with and company. Somedays I want to strangle hubby as he fights with me about how to crate Leo. I turn on the tv and sound. When hubby is not home the crating goes smoothly, when he is home not so much...*sigh*.

So on Sunday we went to an adoption event that PAWS was having. We had been looking at a dog named Little Guy and I wanted hubby to meet Suzy, who I had met at a previous adoption event. She is a cheweenie, although PAWS doesn't think so.

Left: Suzy Right: Little Guy
Suzy is not fond of men and basically she was growling at hubby the whole time. I have been told that once she gets used to you she is fine, its the initial meeting. Then we met Digger...he is a min-pin/dachshund cross. He is loving and affectionate.

DH and I fell head over heels for him.

DH holding Digger
DH holding Digger
Digger and me

We are really hoping that we will get picked to adopt this little guy. So please send out good vibes, prayers and thoughts so we can adopt him.


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Cora Shaw (formerly Levesque)