
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A really neat pattern and information on a new book.

You've Been Gifted! A Free Knitting Pattern from Mags Kandis

The following quote from Mags Kandis (from the introduction to 
her new book, Gifted) encompasses so much of what knitting
(and working on other crafts) means to me:

"I love making stuff, and one of my greatest joys as a knitter and 

crocheter is to make special stuff for friends and family. I admit
to a few late nights and more than one last-minute frenzied 
button-attaching session over the year. Bur ultimately, the
expression of delight on the face of the 'gifted' always makes
it worth the effort."

Wrist Rest from Gifted by Mags Kandis

I'm a "process" knitter, and 
while I love finished objects 
as much as the next gal, 
I enjoy the journey of knitting 
and creating even more. 
And giving those creations as 
gifts is the icing on the cake.
I know I cherish handmade gifts,
and the people I give them to 
are so very grateful and gracious.
It's so gratifying.

Mags Kandis is über-creative, and Gifted is an amazing collection of her
distinct, joyous design style. When I was browsing the book looking
for a pattern to share with you, I came upon the Wrist Rest, which is 
something anyone who spends a little time on the computer will want 
to receive! I think I'll make one for my friend Molly and one for myself, too.

Wrist Rest
Finished Size: About 4½" (11.5 cm) wide and 6½" long

Fabric: Piece of fabric from lightweight sweater that has been 

lightly felted or fabric rescued from a well-loved T-shirt or sweatshirt, 
cut to measure 8" (20.5 cm) wide and 12" (30.5 cm) long; 
remnant of green felt or felted sweater fabric for leaf accent, 
cut to measure 2" (5 cm) wide and 4" (10 cm) long.

Notions: Sharp-point sewing needle and matching thread;

lightweight paper for wrist-rest template; card stock for leaf template;
pencil or washable marker to trace templates; 
sharp scissors; straight pins; embroidery needle and 
six-strand cotton embroidery floss to match green felt; 
about 250 grams (9 ounces) of whole flax seed.
Notes: To help fill the pouch with seeds,

insert the small end of a funnel or paper cone into the
opening and pour the seeds into the wide end. 
For maximum comfort, do not appliqué anything exactly
where your wrist will rest.

Making the Wrist Rest
Fold the fabric in half with RS facing together. 

Trace the wrist-rest template onto lightweight paper, 
cut out, and place the pattern on the folded fabric. 
Cut shape through both layers of fabric.

With RS together, sew around the edge of the shape

by hand or machine, allowing a ½-inch seam allowance
and leaving a 1½-inch opening for filling opening with seeds. 
Press. Trim seam and clip curves, being careful not to cut 
through stitching. Turn the pouch right-side out.

Fill with flax seeds and then handstitch the opening securely closed.

Trace the leaf template onto green felt and cut out.

Pin leaf as desired onto wrist rest. With cotton embroidery floss 
and embroidery needle, sew the leaf in place as shown,
using a backstitch for the center of the leaf and adding straight 
stitches for stem and veins.

Cute, huh? I hope you make one of these, or one of the 

other gifties in Gifted!


P.S. For more about Gifted, including an introduction to Mags 

and instructions for making some amazing bangles, check out the video below!

Spacer 15x15 pixels
Lovely Little Things to Knit and Crochet
Mags Kandis
34 projects, 136 pages
Creative Commons License
This work by Cora Shaw is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Canada License.
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Cora Shaw (formerly Levesque)