
Monday, June 7, 2010

A Year in Review....

Okay need to write this post, again Arg! Stupid Blogger went down in the middle of my post.

Okay so yesterday was my birthday and I turned 45 and what a year it has been! It has been full of ups and downs and in betweens. I saw my hubby go through a job loss and 3 months of struggles surrounding that loss. I am happy to say he started a new job and is doing well.  So things are back on track with that.

I am struggling with some pretty major health issues as regular readers of my blog are well aware.  I have been trying to figure out why I was constantly tired and it was particularly difficult as I had mad a number of commitments and I was concerned that I was unable to fulfill them.  For the most part I have been okay and people have jumped in when I have spoken about the time commitments and my energy.  Remember lack does not mean lack of commitment. I must say all has been going not to bad overall in this department. I am still waiting for the go ahead on the dialysis, the one thing we are waiting on is the cystoscopy to rule out some issues with my bladder.

I have also had same major life changes as well. My daughter and step-daughter both had boys this year.  The first one was born in February and the second in May. What a great milestone to enter into!  You should hear my mom, for the first couple of weeks I would answer the phone and she would say "It is the great-grandmother calling." She is so proud as this is her first great grandson. Sorry for privacy issues no pictures.

I have also been knitting and crocheting as you all know.  I hop to get more of the projects that I have been working on done. Here are a few of the ones I have done...

Groundhog (planet june design)

Mitered Tunic

These are just a few with many more to list.

I guess you could the biggest thing is that I stayed sober throughout this which is awesome.  All in all it actually has been a good year even with all the things tht have happend.

I am a very contented and happy woman today.


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Cora Shaw (formerly Levesque)