
Monday, May 31, 2010

I came across this interesting article on Facebook....

 Edmonton Journal Should Edmonton drivers be more aware of their surroundings?
An impaired driving investigation is underway after a fatal accident in which a man was hit by a pickup truck in north Edmonton and dragged under the vehicle for 27 blocks.
My answer:
In a way it doesn't surprise me. Road conditions were scary on Saturday. In fact we had picked up a friend earlier in the day from that exact area. It was a nightmare as we drove along. People were yapping on cell phones completely unaware of where they were.

Friday night was just as bad! We drove a friend to Bonnie Doon area and then we were on our way to drop another friend off in the Delton area and then home (Alberta Ave.). On 95 st there was a guy driving very erratically. possibly under the influence and was on a cell phone. We normally would follow and call it in but out passenger was very skittish.

As for the question, yes drivers should be more aware however having said that most aren't. As we get linked to more technology we are disconnected from those around us. I remember my 25th graduating class theme: It was the Best of Times; It was the Worst of times; and we are smack dab in the middle of it. 
Let me know what you think...

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Cora Shaw (formerly Levesque)