
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Okay...I know I have been quiet for a bit...

just posting patterns that I think would be of interest to my crafting friends.

Okay so on the health front:

On Thursday I went to the Renal Insufficiency Unit, for the better part of the day. Hubby and I were there from 9:00 am and finally left the U of A Hospital at about 4 pm.

So the good news is that my diet, for the most part has been good.  However I have cut out a lot of sodium from my diet.  So that means no more fries unless they are home cooked, no Chinese food :( or pizza :( as they both contain a high amount of sodium. Oh and definitely deli meats are of the menu. Most other things I can switch to a low sodium version. My daily allowance is between 1300 and 2300 mg a day.  I am only allowed the equivalent of one whole chicken breast of  protein a day.

We did talk about dialysis as well as I am close to that at 16% kidney function.  I am being referred to the PD Clinic to see if I qualify for Peritoneal dialysis (PD). What this entails is inserting a catheter with one end in the abdomen and the other protruding from the skin. Before each infusion the area must be cleaned, and flow into and out of the abdomen tested. A large volume of fluid is introduced to the abdomen over the next ten to fifteen minutes. The total volume is referred to as a dwell while the fluid itself is referred to as dialysate. The dwell can be as much as 2.5 litres, and medication can also be added to the fluid immediately before infusion The dwell remains in the abdomen and waste products diffuse across the peritoneum from the underlying blood vessels. After a variable period of time depending on the treatment (usually 4-6 hours), the fluid is removed and replaced with fresh fluid. This can occur automatically while the patient is sleeping (automated peritoneal dialysis, APD), or during the day by keeping two litres of fluid in the abdomen at all times, exchanging the fluids four to six times per day (continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis, CAPD). For more information you can read here. What I love about this is if hubby and I travel, it can be arranged for supplies at the other end.

This is the hookup process                                        Infusion Process

Diffusion (Fresh)                                                 Diffusion (Waste)


So this is what I am hoping for as it allows me to have dialysis at home rather than traveling to the hospital 3 times a week for hemodialysis. It gives me more freedom that lets me have a less restrictive diet and to allow travel to BC etc.

Also I am going to applying for CPP Disability, which I should qualify for, as well as AISH which I may not qualify for as hubby made to much in earnings last year and this year. We also need to apply for Blue Cross for medical benefits which also covers some of the over-the-counter medications such as Gravol and Imodium, yeah!

I also get to see the lab every month now, so they are going to become my new BF's.

On the knitting/crocheting front I have been doing a number if different projects:

1) Ribbons and Bows Socks from Crochet! Magazine, May 2010

These are gorgeous socks, that's them pictured on the left from the magazine, and I just fell in love with them. I am using Trekking in beautiful pinks and orange tones, pictured on the right (this is a knit sock however not crocheted). Not sure if the picture really does the colors justice.
Here are my socks.  I had to frog the whole ankle as I didn't like how loose they were, so I just need to red-do 9 rounds on both socks before crocheting the cuff and heels.

So Far I am loving the pattern and I am definitely crocheting these again! That is definitely saying something about the pattern..

2) Farmer's Market Cardigan

This sweater is 3/4's done.  Not sure why have stalled on it.  Although it could be because I am not a fan of finishing it. I need to attach the other sleeve and finish seaming both seams before doing the gorgeous collar which is why I was attracted to the sweater in the first place.

The nice green ones are mine :) I actually do like how it is turning out, just need some incentive to get it done.

3) Building Block Scarves. Sarah Hoadley

Originally published inInterweave Knits Gifts, Holiday 2009

Hubby has been really bugging me for a new scarf.  He really likes this on. It comes in two sizes 5¾ (7¼)" wide and 40 (57)" long.  He decided on some garishly bright colors because he wears a very dark coat, with hood and it makes it difficult for people to see him at night.  So I am using Red Heart yarn for this.

4) I have fallen in love with 2 of Robyn Chachula's (crochet with faye) designs.  If you have not crocheted her designs you should really give one for them a try. Robyn's designs are very simple and I love the fact that she includes diagrams for her deigns.

There is the Lattice and Lace Top that is in the Crochet Today. May/June 2010 issue.  It is the cover design.

It is crocheted out of sock yarn, Robyn used Red Heart Heart and Sole. Since I need to use stash yarns I am using Trekking XXL in colorway that doesn't exist anymore. Aren't they pretty?

The Lucine Tunic is the other one I want to crochet. This is available from Interweave Crochet, Spring 2010.

I am not sure what yarn I am going to knit this in but is gorgeous!

So that is it for now.  I am sorry for this rather long winded post :)


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Cora Shaw (formerly Levesque)