
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Harmony Guides are a great investment for those who design.


Harmony Guides Help You Crochet a Finished Object

Maybe you're not like me. Maybe your gauge is always spot on and the vision you have for your garment works perfectly. Maybe you don't have a box of false starts and “Good golly, what was I thinking?” portions of garments. Maybe you don't have things that are too big / too small / just plain unwearable.

Simple Shell EdgingWell, I've got them. And when I finally admit that the thing just isn't working, sometimes I rip it back to a ball right away. And sometimes I stuff it in the Denial Drawer. Deep inside.

And the balance is again tipped between unfinished objects (UFOs) and finished objects (FOs).

A recent Feng Shui unearthed a vast expanse of knitted purple fabric that I recalled, after a moment, wanted to be a guernsey back in the day. It was HUGE—I don't know what I was thinking. But the texture is very intriguing and I can see why I didn't rip it back to its essence. It wasn't going to be a sweater, at least not for me. But, it would make a good kid-size blanket, if it were jazzed up a bit. It was time to remedy the balance: this UFO could become an FO, with a little help.

Enter Harmony: specifically The Harmony Guides: Crochet Edgings and Trims, hot off the press. I flipped through, entranced by the feathery fronds of the Clematis, the bobbly Bullion Stitch Balls, the elegant Picots with Chain Texture. After perusing every one of the 150 possible edgings—twice—I settled upon the Simple Shell Edging. This is a two-row edging, with the first being a base row of single crochet. Because the edges of my knitted swath are pretty even and stable, I was able to make it even simpler: I eliminated the base row. So I just commenced crocheting green shells around the purple swath until my UFO became an FO—just a different FO.

And now all is harmonious: I have one less item in my stash of “good gollies” and Project Linus has one more item in its stash of blankets.

Go ahead—let a little Harmony into your life, too!



Over on CrochetMe:
On the blog: Xenobia Baily's Crocheted art.

On the Forums: Share how you turned a UFO into an FO.
. . .

Marcy Smith

Marcy Smith
is the Editor of
Interweave Crochet Magazine

More at

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The Newest Addition to the Harmony Guides Family:
Crochet edgings & trims

Crochet Edgings and Trims

Crochet Edgings & Trims is the go-to resource for finishing stitches, with 150 stitches to choose from. This book provides you with a resource to help you add a personal touch to your designs, regardless of your skill level. Pick a lace edging for a feminine cardigan. Or, design your own scarf with a unique sittch edging for original style. Crochet Edgings and Trims is the perfect portable one-stop source for stitch inspiration.

Now Available!

Buy Wrapped in Crochet Now

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Cora Shaw (formerly Levesque)