
Thursday, July 2, 2009

Crochet Me: Another Interesting Article

July 2, 2009

Create a Crochet Project Notebook

Full TopI love to tinker with my crochet: length, waist shaping, bust shaping. And, if I'm not altering a pattern for a better fit or greater utility, I am creating my own designs in my head. Unfortunately the alterations or designs all too often stay in my head where they are buried and lost over time.

But the solution to this problem is surprisingly simply: a project notebook. I recently purchased one and the pages are filling fast. A project notebook is an excellent place to store notes on alterations you have made on garments, especially if it is a section of the garment you will have to repeat or if you love your finished project so much you want to make another. You can also keep notes, sketches, clippings, or photographs of projects you want to design.

Your project notebook can be whatever size and style you find works best for you. My notebook is 8 by 10 inches and filled with graph paper. My drawing skills are not my strong point, so the graph squares allow me to create a schematic of the project. You might like one of the sketch books with thick, unlined, textured paper great for sketching and drawing. Maybe you prefer a simple notebook with lined paper.

So what do you put in your notebook? Whatever notes you need to take you from inspiration to actual garment. It's helpful to include the following:

  • SchematicProject name, along with issue information and page numbers for the project you are working on.
  • For any edgings or motifs, include book information, with pattern and page.
  • Yarn information, including brand, color, dye lot, and fiber information. You can just attach the label to the page.
  • Amount of yarn used for final project. If you have leftover yarn, write down where you stashed it so you can find it for future repairs or alterations.
  • Sketches and/or schematics.
  • Photographs or clippings of inspirational projects.
  • Alteration notes, including changes in the number of stitches or changes in measurements.
  • A photograph of the completed project.
  • If you give the project as a present, include the name and the date given (and be sure to give the recipient washing instructions from the yarn label).
One of the projects in my notebook is a tank, which I'm altering with the addition of a beautiful lace trim from the newly released The Harmony Guides: Crochet Edgings & Trims. I love the way this trim is developing. In my notebook, I've recorded the stitch name and page number so that I can easily look up the pattern.

So run out and get a notebook today and say good-bye to lost sticky notes and hours of searching indexes. Have a little fun with it to make it your own by decorating it with bits of crochet and whatnot. And share how you use your notebook on CrochetMe

Best wishes,


Over on CrochetMe:
On the blog: Kim spies guerrilla yarnfare in NYC.

On the Forums: Share your WIPs (work-in-progress) on the forums.

Toni Rexroat

Toni Rexroat
is the Assistant Editor of
Interweave Crochet Magazine

What's on
Toni's hook now?

I am busy making baby hats for expecting friends. There is a special joy in crocheting gifts.

More at

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The Newest Addition to the Harmony Guides Family:
Crochet Edgings and Trims

Crochet Edgings and Trims

Crochet Edgings & Trims is the go-to resource for finishing stitches, with 150 stitches to choose from. This book provides you with a resource to help you add a personal touch to your designs, regardless of your skill level. Pick a lace edging for a feminine cardigan. Or, design your own scarf with a unique sittch edging for original style. Crochet Edgings and Trims is the perfect portable one-stop source for stitch inspiration.

Available July 2009

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Cora Shaw (formerly Levesque)