
Friday, May 15, 2009

Ida Dean Richardson Anderson, Missing For 51 Years

In 1995 three siblings were reunited in what I can only imagine was a bittersweet reunion. In 1958 their mother, Ida Dean Richardson Anderson vanished without a trace and her son and two daughters were forced to begin a chapter of their lives without her.

A young, 18 year old Ida became pregnant in 1955 and, as was the custom then, married the father, Kenneth Anderson, also known as Jerry. They began their marriage in Florida where Ida was living with her parents. Jerry Anderson was a musician and I surmise he and Ida and their young child traveled the circuit, finally settling down in Detroit, Michigan, and adding two more children to the family.

It's stated that their marriage was troubled, emotionally and financially, and Ida wrote about it to her family members still living in Florida. She left Kenneth Anderson, took her children, however, shortly afterwards was hospitalized with rheumatic fever and ulcers in February of 1958.

At that time, her husband was not able to care for the three young children and placed them in a "boarding home." It's not reported if the boarding home was an orphanage for children or just a private home which took in indigent children. As a recourse to this action the State of Michigan gained custody of the three children.

After Ida was released from the hospital, she and Kenneth Anderson attempted to regain custody of their children for the next six months. Ida was scheduled to receive custody in September, 1958. A plane ticket to Florida had been purchased for her and the children, however, on the 18th of September she vanished and has never been heard from again, the plane tickets never used.

Ida's son and older daughter were adopted by the same family and raised near Fraser, Michigan, while her younger daughter was adopted by another family and raised in the Upper Peninsula area of Michigan. After they were reunited they started to search for the mother who disappeared from their lives without a trace.

The 51 year old cold case has never been solved, there is no unidentified deceased person matching her description and searches through hospital records in Michigan and surrounding states show no one by the name of Ida Dean Richardson Anderson as being a patient.

Recently, Track Missing, a missing persons organization based in Michigan has tried to help the family with their search. It's Founder, Chad Scott, says that there is no missing persons report among the records filed in Michigan, although her family states that one was filed at the time of her disappearance.

51 years is a long time to wait, wonder and search. United in their efforts, the family, Track Missing, Peace4 the Missing Members, Porchlight International, Doe Network, Charley Project and a host of others with a passion for helping families of missing persons will do everything possible to help these children find their mother.

Ida is now 72 years old and has spent a lifetime without her children.

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Cora Shaw (formerly Levesque)