
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I got this in my eamil this morning...Roxana Saberi was freed from an Iranian jail.

Hi Cora,

I'm writing with joy and relief to let you know that petition signatures helped to make a difference: American journalist Roxana Saberi is free!

Individuals around the world, including the almost 28,000 activists who signed our petition, have pressured the Iranian government to free Roxana Saberi. Ms. Saberi appeared in court to have her appeal heard yesterday and her charges were reduced. She walked out of prison in Iran today and was reunited with her parents.

You can read more about Ms. Saberi's appeal and release on the BBC. You can also visit to read more about the global campaign to support Ms. Saberi and the Committee to Protect Journalists to learn about the journalists who remain imprisoned in Iran and around the world.

Thank you so much to all who signed the Free Roxana Saberi petition - we helped to make a difference.

From the Care2Petitions site....

I thought that this was important enough to let others know about it. I am so glad that she is safe and at home. Please read this amazing story.


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Cora Shaw (formerly Levesque)