
Thursday, May 21, 2009

What a difference 100 years makes!

A friend of mine sent me this. What do you think the world would be like 100 years from now? Look how far we have come in 100 years. I remember when we lived in Josephberg, east of Fort Saskatchewan, using a party phone. Now we have cordless, wireless, you name it.

I remember training on an Apple 2E and Dad needing my help to figure out the one at work. Computers usually had a main frame, housed in a room that was as big as a house. Now there is a personal computer in pretty much everyone's house. The internet was unheard of 20 years ago, now we have blogs, Facebook, twitter, my space, etc. It has even infiltrated the news and tv. It has become vernacular in our day and age.

So let me know what you think...What is your prediction for the future? What was the world like for you growing up? Did you get to see some of the changes like I did. Leave me a comment.


What a difference 100 years makes!

In 1909 this was a telephone.

Your calls were never private; all your neighbours had to do was pick up their mouthpiece to hear exactly what was going on. In smaller communities the only phone was at the dry goods store or barber shop. Most small towns didn’t even have one at all.

This was a very high-tech car!

They were extremely expensive…$500!

  • Milk cost 25¢ a quart.

  • Bread cost 5¢ a loaf.

  • Eggs cost 14¢ a dozen.

  • Cotton fabric cost 50¢ a yard, more or less.

The average life expectancy was

  • Men – 47 years

  • Women - 51 years

The average wage was 17¢/hour. There were almost no labour unions to ensure workers’ safety and rights!

Most physicians had never been to college! Doctors could get their training at private “medical schools” which were condemned by both the medical community and the government.

Sterilized equipment and personnel for a surgery was a radical new idea that only wasted time, as was anaesthetic!

An ankle length dress was considered a mini!

A great deal of clothing was made from flour or sugar sacks.

Most homes were lighted with candles or oil lamps. Gaslight was only available in some cities and was notorious for blowing up the houses it was installed in.

Postage cost 1¢ inside Canada, and up to 15¢ internationally! It could take up to 1 year for a letter sent from Vancouver to arrive at its destination in Ottawa! I am about to send this to you in mere seconds.

Makes a person think...what will it be like 100 years from now?

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Thank you

Cora Shaw (formerly Levesque)