
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hi everyone...

sorry I have been away for so long. I had a bit of a health crisis that hopefully has settled now. I am dealing with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)with Diarrhea dominance. So I pretty much have to change diet and my way of life. I hope all is well with everyone.

I hope to have some pictures up soon of some knitting and crocheting that I have been working on.



  1. Hope you're feeling better now. Glad to see your blogging again, and I look forward to seeing what projects you have been working on.

  2. I am starting to feel better now. Hope to have pictures up soon.



If you have any questions or concerns please direct them to craftygal1965{at} Any other comments please leave here. Please no external links, thank you.

Thank you

Cora Shaw (formerly Levesque)