
Sunday, January 13, 2008

Fallen Angels poem by Sally - friend of Lynn's

Fallen Angels

Many years of anguish
and many tears were shed
And no one knew a thing
or that is what was said
Going about with blinders on
not `seeing' what was there
Relatives were in turmoil
and in desperate despair

Through thick and thin and anger
they rallied and they spoke
Until the law they listened
and they finally awoke
The missing they were women
who did have families

Not some worthless piece of trash
to be forgotten painlessly
The sun shines on you no more
but you will shine in our hearts forever
but never forgotten

Your life came to an end in a terrible way
And nobody noticed.
Nobody cared.

You were a mother
Your were a sister.
You were a cousin and
you were an aunt.
You were a "somebody", who loved and lived.

Sally Orr December 25, 2007

What a beautiful poem.


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Cora Shaw (formerly Levesque)