
Tuesday, October 2, 2007

A very important article.

After reading some articles from Caraand this article: A Call for Manners in the World of Nasty Blogs, I thought I would talk with you all on my feelings about the anonymity of the world of blogs.

I guess I have been lucky, I had only one bad comment, which the author deleted, and she later apologized and explained what her concerns were more clearly in a private email. I remember being hurt as I have worked hard on the patterns and on this blog. Trying to show who I am with out giving out to much information.

Over the years I have dealt with cyberstalking and have been fortunate that it has abated. I have been involved in a number of causes including the decriminalizing of prostitution, which can really tick off the religious right. I have had to two identities on the net, to protect my identity and I feel that I shouldn't have to. I lost 2 close friends on the pig farm in Port Coquitlam, BC. It hurts not being able to acknowledge this part of my life. I have been in recovery from alcoholism and these were women who lost hope, although they were trying.

I know my blog is about knitting and crochet, however, as we are approaching Thanksgiving I have been thinking of the girls. I wonder what nasty comments I am going to get for writing this. I get tired of the judgments because of what someone thinks, believes or views, whether political or religious.

I needed to get this off my chest. As I see the blogs of women and knitters being closed down or changed because of the nastiness that is the web. A designer tht I really like, Eunny Jang, changed her blog from here to here because of this issue in addition to getting her dream job with Interweave Knits.

I am not sorry for the rant. My hope is that people will look at one another and see that we are still human with all the issues that we have. Please lets look at the similarities that we share and not the differences.


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Thank you

Cora Shaw (formerly Levesque)