
Sunday, October 14, 2007

I have finished my second Calorimetry. Here are the pictures.

I knit most of it through House and a meeting. My husband and I watch it together, however, I have to watch it on my own as well. So we tape it because hubby's at rehearsal on Tuesdays.

I knit this Noro Kureyon in color 40. I have matching Thrummed mitts to go with this. These are almost done. What is left to do is the thumbs. I though I would finish those during House on Tuesday. I would like to finish them before my knitting group on Thursday. I need to do show and tell..hehe.

So with out further adue here are pictures:
The front:

The side: Picture 1:

Picture 2:

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Cora Shaw (formerly Levesque)