
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

On the knitting front...

I got the felted bag off the needles finally. When I find the camera I will post pictures.

I am knitting the cats each a cat bed that has a mobius rim. These beds are going to felted. The pattern is from Cat Borhdi's A Second Treasury of Magical Knitting. These books are worth their weight in gold, let me tell you. The exact pattern isn't pictured on the cover although I am doing a mobeius. Aaaah the magical knitting has awakened in me. I love how the pattern is formed. I decided that I will do the rims first and then do the bowls of the beds. This is one project that is a huge amount of fun. It is easy to learn and not very difficult to do. I have almost all of Cat's books. I can hardly wait to get the rest of them, notable the sock books.

Here are the her magical knitting books:

Cat also has two sock books out as well, here they are:

Cat has also written a fictional book, that is part of a trilogy. Here it is:

Cat also has some free patterns that are available. The patterns that have a mobius in it, though, you will need one of the books in order to do the mobius cast on. Cat doesn't go into this on the website.

I hope you enjoy Cat's site and get the books.


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Cora Shaw (formerly Levesque)